Vilnius, Lithuania
Vilnius University

- Founded in 1579
- 24716 students
- 13 faculties, 1 institute, 2 university hospitals
- Over 150 000 alumni
- 3 095 staff members
- 65 degree programs from Bachelor to Master level
- PhD studies in 29 fields of science.
Vilnius University, the largest Lithuanian scientific institution, has deservedly earned the status of a leader in science and research. European university traditions, academic freedom and diversity of opinions, the ability to deal with new challenges in the constantly changing world, and social responsibility are the fundamental values of the University.
VU comprises 13 faculties, 1 institute, 2 university hospitals, the oldest library in Lithuania with a modern Science Communication and Information Centre, the Astronomical Observatory, the Botanical Garden, and the Church of St. Johns. Year after year listed by QS World University Rankings among the top four per cent of the best universities in the world, Vilnius University attracts the best and most talented secondary school graduates of the country. The studies that are offered by the University are based on international-level research.
VU’s staff is involved in many national and international initiatives that are geared towards implementation of Bologna process while quality issues of various activities are in the forefront of the institution’s strategy. VU academic and administrative capacities to implement educational and mobility projects are built on the rich experience obtained from the long-lasting participation in European programs since 1999 in Socrates (later LLPErasmus), Erasmus Mundus (2009-2017), Erasmus +. At the moment different academic and administrative units of Vilnius
University participate in 48 projects as partner or coordinator under Erasmus + programme. Over 160 bilateral cooperation agreements and 836 Erasmus+ cooperation agreements have been signed to enhance academic exchange and international collaboration and partnership in research and education. Mobility for study period counts >700 incoming and >600 outgoing students every year at Vilnius University.
Every academic year academic and non-academic units of Vilnius University host more than 100 academic and administrative staff from partner institutions and send the same number of staff members for teaching and training to European and non-European universities. Vilnius University has appropriate infrastructure (dormitories for the international students, 2 libraries, computer classes, well-equipped classes and laboratories for studies, premises for extracurricular activities) to host international students and staff.
Through international engagement Vilnius University enhances the accumulation of the comprehensive knowledge for high quality education, spreading internationalization within the University and seeks to strengthen the University’s academic reputation.