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MP4s Project Result 5/6

MP4s Manuals

These manuals, which were drafted considering the results of the learning and training activities C1 to C6.

These manuals contain direct links to on-line resources and are available in English, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Italian, Turkish and French.

MP4s manual for trainers was designed to help teachers/trainers to use the SIT4PLANET tailorable syllabus, including the Moodle platform e-learning kit for the construction of effective embedded training programmes.

English Version : MP4s manual for trainers 

French Version : MP4s Manuel pour les formateurs 

Italian Version : MP4s Manuale per formatori

Lithuanian Version : MP4s Vadovas instruktoriams

Portuguese Version : MP4s Manual para formadores 

Turkish Version : MP4s Eğitmenler için kılavuz 

MP4s manual for students was designed to help the learners orientate themselves in the MP4s resources and training opportunities. Useful information are provided on  how to navigate in the use of MP4s contents and tools.

English Version : MP4s manual for students

French Version : MP4s Manuel pour les étudiants

Italian Version : MP4s Manuale per studenti

Lithuanian Version : MP4s Vadovas studentams

Portuguese Version : MP4s Manual para estudantes

– Turkish Version : MP4s Öğrenciler için kılavuz